I'm Anurag Bhardwaj

a Computer Science Student


I'm Anurag Bhardwaj
I'm a 4th semester B.tech Computer Science Student
I like playing with Cameras and new Technologies
and I'm also into Mentorship.

My Skills


Graphic Designing

I started learning Graphic Designing during Lockdown Period during COVID-19
Now I am intermediate in both Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop
and also expertise in Canva



I started Programmingin my First Year of B.Tech with C Language which was in my College Curriculum
and then in Second Year during COVID-19 Lockdown I started Learning Python(out of Curiosity) I learned it purposely for Certificates
then I moved on to Java (which I thought I would Never) I started enjoying it along with Java
I also started Learning C++(for College Curriculum)
and now I am learning Web Development.

connect gif

Get In Touch

Let's Discuss some Codes 💚

Ping me for some quick Graphic Design Product

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© 2020 Anurag Bhardwaj.